About Us
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is an annual event held the first week of October. The event features pilots and balloons from all over the world each celebrating the sport of ballooning. The goal and the mission is to promote ballooning and to encourage our guests to visit the “Land Of Enchantment”. You can learn more about Balloon Fiesta by visiting our website https://BalloonFiesta.com.
By the way, 2022 marks the 50th year for the Balloon Fiesta to be held. You'll certainly want to visit our store often as new items including those celebrating 50 years are added regularly.
A small dedicated group of employees works diligently to support our many guests. The gift shop team is here to answer questions and to help you purchase your souvenirs and other ballooning memorabilia. Contact us using the form below, via email at giftshop@balloonfiesta.com or you can call us at 505-821-1000.
While our online store is always open, you can stop by our physical gift shop, Monday - Friday from 9-5. And during Balloon Fiesta week, along with extended hours for the gift shop, we'll have merchandise tents on the field, open during all Balloon Fiesta activities.