With our new online store, we're going to schedule a blog post for every Wednesday. And we're going to call it What's New Wednesday. Each Wednesday we're going to feature an item on the store the is either new or we think special enough to call to your attention. You can check back every Wednesday to see what's new or subscribe to this blog to have them delivered to you via RSS as they are posted. Here's the link....
So welcome to the first What's New Wednesday.
Since we're really early in our season, a lot of our new merchandise is just starting its journey to us, the store and eventually to you. So we're going to feature the 2022 Balloon Fiesta Calendar today. Our yearly calendars are released in August and for 2022 sold out pretty quickly. This 50th anniversary calendar features 50 minutes of embedded video. Just download the Pixaction app on your smart phone or tablet, open the app and point it at any full page picture in the calendar. (There's 14 including the inside and outside covers.) The picture will come alive and show you a short video related to that picture. We've actually been doing this for a few years now and plan to continue this feature in the years ahead. Check it out.
I mentioned that the calendars have been sold out for a couple of months now. Well GOOD NEWS, we managed to get our hands on about 100 of these in-demand calendars and they are now for sale right here. If you've been looking for one, look no further and in fact, wait no longer. Head to the store right now and order yours today. This is absolutely the last batch of 2022 calendars we'll have available.
And when you get your calendar, flip over to August and put a note on there to order your 2023 calendar. And then go enjoy the pictures and embedded video.
See you next week, for What's New? Wednesday!