This week on What's Up Wednesday, a look ahead to the big December Sale and our holiday hours.
We are just 9 days away from our giant December Sale for 2023. This is the sale where everything from 2023 and previous years goes on clearance. Like last year the sale will be ONLINE only. That way everyone has an opportunity to take advantage of the great deals at the same time. Because it's all online, there are some things you can and should do now to prepare for the sale. The first is to make sure you can log in to your account. That way you're not trying to remember the login, or even creating your account with deals sitting in your cart.
The second is to do your shopping ahead of time. Start browsing the store now. Use our new Add to Wishlist function to create a list of the items you'll want to purchase during the sale. This works like a bookmark so you can easily add to your cart when the sale starts.
We know that sizes are always of concern. We're working to add more sizing information to the product description. And for those of you in the Albuquerque area, feel free to stop by and browse the Gift Shop, checking out the feel and fit of those items on your wishlist. Normal Gift Shop hours are Mon-Fri, 9-5.
Last week we published all our holiday hours and this week we'd just like to point out the highlights coming up around the December Sale.
Our online store will go offline at noon on Friday, December 8th to allow us to prepare for the start of the sale. The online store should be back online with all the sales items and prices by 8 pm that same night. (So the sale starts then!) The sale continues until 8 am Monday, December 12, when we will go offline again, to allow us to put inventory back in the physical Gift Shop. We anticipate the Online Store will be back online about noon or 1pm on Monday, while the low prices will remain, we expect the available inventory to be greatly reduced.
Our physical Gift Shop will also close at noon on Friday, December 8, to allow us to move inventory online. It will reopen for shopping on Tuesday, December 12. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday we'll be open for you to pickup orders only. Pick up Hours on Saturday and Sunday will be 10-4. Monday's pickup hours will be 9-5.
We'll be working all weekend to process and prepare your orders for shipping or for pickup during the weekend. Remember just wait for the email before you head over to pickup your order.
One last highlight this week. The last day to shop in person at our Gift Shop is Friday, December 15, 2023. We'll reopen on January 2, 2024. We'll be doing year-end processing and inventory during those two weeks as well as enjoying the holidays with family. The Online store will close for the year at 8 AM on Monday December 18, for the same inventory and year-end processing. It will reopen New Year's Day, 2024.
The entire schedule is available from the menu at the top of
Next week on What's Up Wednesday, we'll preview the December Sale deals just ahead of our biggest sale of the year.
Thanks for your support.