This week on What's Up Wednesday, some important information about obtaining items in these last 30 days, and a review of the pins and patches available this year.
Let's start with the 2022 pins and patches. Balloon Fiesta has produced more than 200 pins this year. Some are available for purchase from Balloon Fiesta, some are available for our teams to trade with you, and about 100 of them are special shape pins that our shape pilots receive for distribution. These 107 shapes can also be purchased on the field through Plano Pins.
As you might have anticipated, the number 50 pin has been very popular. So popular, in fact, we had to make more and since they are numbered, we had to change them up a little. So a different set of number 50 pins will be available on the field only. To see the entire collection of pins, not only from this year but going all the way back to 1972, check out the Collector's Corner on the main Balloon Fiesta website, under Merchandise and Collector's Corner.
In addition to the pins, there are 10 different patches. Half of them match up with the retail pins. The other half are different designs many celebrating the big 5-0. These patches are designed to be sewn on to your jacket or other clothing or just
Now some other important purchasing information. With just 23 days remaining before the first Mass Ascension of 2022, the deadline to purchase some items is upon us. The 4-pack of discount general admission tickets will no longer be available ONLINE, after September 15. And Balloon Mail, which is almost sold out online, will also no longer be available, ONLINE, after September 15. The tickets will remain available in our gift shop, while Balloon Mail will be available on the field during the event.
And you may have noticed some items "out of stock" online. What that really means is that the inventory we earmarked for sale online and in the gift shop has been exhausted. We have more inventory that is set aside to sell on the field for the event. And if you're a gambler, anything that doesn't sell out on the field during the event, will go back online Oct 12. That days' What's Up Wednesday will highlight what is available again.
Up next week on What's Up Wednesday, a review of the different clothing options available to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Thanks for your support of Balloon Fiesta through your purchases. See you next week.