This week on What's Up Wednesday, we're closed but still thinking about you!
Yes the store is closed thru the end of the year. As a non-profit, we have additional inventory and year-processing tasks to complete and with a limited staff, it takes us a little longer than those big stores. Besides, all the shipping deadlines have passed. It's time to enjoy the holidays.
About a month ago, we asked you about our store and merchandise and hundreds of you responded. Thank you!
Here's a few stats from that survey.
94% of you who responded ordered something. 41% of those orders were online, 33% on the field and 25% from the Gift Shop. And 65% of the orders were shipped!
The most popular products were the 50th anniversary items, followed closely by adult clothing.
We also asked for your comments. There were some common threads in the comments and we thought we'd address those and give you a little extra insight into Balloon Fiesta Stuff. So we produced a couple of videos for you.
The first one is available now. It's about 10 minutes and takes a look at supply and price levels. Check it out.
Next week on What's Up Wednesday, more survey results and part 2 of our mini video series.
Enjoy your Holidays. Be Safe and we'll see you next week!