This week on What's Up Wednesday, more results of our merchandise survey and a sneak peek of a fun item coming in 2023.
But first, we hope you had a wonderful holiday. Our Gift Shop and online store remain closed until the end of the year as our year-end reports are being finalized. But we'll be back online January 1, and the doors to the gift shop reopen on January 2. Here's to 2023!
Continuing with our merchandise survey report, here are a few more stats from your responses.
We asked your level of satisfaction with a number of items. On a 5 point scale with 5 being Very Satisfied, your responded with a 4.3 satisfaction for the quality and delivery of your items. A little lower at 3.9 for the selection.
As for our "service", the numbers were similar. What's Up Wednesday was at 4.3, our Customer Service was 4.2, as was the ease of using our online store. On the low end of the scale was our Gift Shop hours at 3.9.
Again thanks to the hundreds of you who responded. And we're listening. We're releasing part 2 of our mini series about Balloon Fiesta Stuff today. In this week's episode, we address those hours, and shipping prices as well as look ahead to 2023. Check it out.
Finally this week, we have a sneak peek at one of the new products coming out in January. It's a new T-shirt design with a very popular New Mexico balloon. Tru-Lee is the balloon, operated by Bill Lee and representing New Mexico True, the state tourism department's latest slogan. So stay tuned to What's Up Wednesday for the release announcement of this new tee-shirt coming in 2023 as part of our new, ongoing and undated Balloon Fiesta Stuff merchandise line.
Remember, shopping resumes online on Sunday, with the Gift Shop re-opening on Monday. When we'll be 280 days away from the start of the 2023 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta!
Happy New Year! See you in 2023!